Thursday 23 October 2008

I took some photos of someone in my class and edited it on Adobe Photoshop by increasing brightness and decreasing saturation. I cut it out and blurred the edges to blend it in. I then added text using photoshop to practise making mock album covers.

Friday 10 October 2008

I found this image on but it was in full colour which I didn't like so I edited it using 'Adobe Photoshop', decreasing the saturation creating a monochrome style but leaving a slight bit of colour in the image. I made up a name for the artist and a name for the album. I started to experiment with different places to put the text so I placed it across the photograph, I really liked this composition of having bigger text at the top with smaller text underneath for the name of the album cover. I used a neutral grey brown colour for the name of the artist which I thought blended well with the colours in the photograph.

I chose the style of this album cover by imitating the style of Adele's. I chose the photograph off a website called I found the image with this black background and half the face shadowed which I thought was a really good effect. I decided to use this bold white font in quite large letters to contrast brightly against the black background. I chose a 'handwriting' style font in a grey white colour for the name of the artist.

Monday 6 October 2008

James Morrison

I like the colour scheme of this website, The dark brown text stands out against the white background and the artists clothes also blend well with the neutral tones. I like the way the artists name is in large text at the top of the site as it looks bold and indicates what the website is about. I think this cobbled street is a good outdoor location to take the picture as it creates a natural style. I think there is too much going on, on the homepage, I would like to keep it simpler. There are clear links at the top of the web page allowing the viewer to get around the website easily. 

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Paolo Nutini

I would like to include a page similar to this about the artist. 

I like the style of this website, the bright bold colours are very eye catching. The way the photographs are displayed in a film strip style looks really effective. The links are clearly displayed along the top of the website making it easy for the viewer. I also like the cartoon cut out style photograph of the artist at the top of the page.

News Page

I think it is a good idea having a News Page as it shows the viewer the latest events that have been happening with the artist.