Tuesday 30 September 2008

Gallery Page

I like this idea as having a gallery page as one of the web pages. I would like to do something like this for my site.

Monday 29 September 2008


This is Leona Lewis's official website. I like the large photograph of the artist on the front but i think the overall look of the website is too cluttered. I would like to do something simpler. The links are clear at the top of the page. I don't like the way the latest news sections are in boxes and not arranged into a organised order as there are black spaces with nothing there. I like the background graphics on the website as i think the neutral tones blend well with the photograph of Leona.

Friday 26 September 2008

The other pages are also clearly laid out, for example this one has a clear lay out of the times and dates of upcoming gigs. The links are in the same place on every page as they are on the homepage this makes it easier for the viewer to go back to the homepage quickly without having to press back.

Tuesday 23 September 2008


I like the clear links at the top of the album cover as it makes the site look organised and tidy. The plain black background makes the site look sophisticated. I like the idea of having a video on the homepage as it looks more interesting. I like the cut out cartoon effect photograph as duffy as it is more creative than just having a normal photo.

Monday 22 September 2008

I don't really like this album cover because it is quite boring and I don't like the blurred effect, I would prefer to have an album with a sharper image. Although I like the neutral colours.

I like the different coloured fonts as they make the title of the album stand out. The bright red top is a bold contrast against the artists pale skin and black hair.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Research Section

 I am going to be making a website and an album cover for a made up artist.
I will research websites and album covers, focusing closely on single female artists and use a similar style to the album covers below. I will also look at different styles of band websites.

I like the style of this album cover as it is a simple composition with a plain black background. I also like the way half the face is in shadow. The font is a bold contrast against the black background.

I like this monochrome image on the album cover as it emphasises how the artist is a bright contrast against the dark background. I would like to experiment by doing something similar to this because I really like the vintage style and effect it creates. The old fashioned train in the background is a good representation of Duffy's old blues style of music. All of the photographs have artists on the front looking down which may symbolise the emotion and lyrics in the song.