Wednesday 10 September 2008

Research Section

 I am going to be making a website and an album cover for a made up artist.
I will research websites and album covers, focusing closely on single female artists and use a similar style to the album covers below. I will also look at different styles of band websites.

I like the style of this album cover as it is a simple composition with a plain black background. I also like the way half the face is in shadow. The font is a bold contrast against the black background.

I like this monochrome image on the album cover as it emphasises how the artist is a bright contrast against the dark background. I would like to experiment by doing something similar to this because I really like the vintage style and effect it creates. The old fashioned train in the background is a good representation of Duffy's old blues style of music. All of the photographs have artists on the front looking down which may symbolise the emotion and lyrics in the song.

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